Georesursy (Apr 2024)
Lithology and oil content of the Bazhenov Formation in the central part of the Mansi Syneclise (Russia)
The article presents the results of studying four sections of the Bazhenov Formation and the overlying sediments in the central part of the Mansi syneclise, which are based on a comprehensive analysis of the results laboratory lithological and geochemical studies of core material and data from a wide range of geophysical studies of wells. For lithological characteristics, the section of the Bazhenov Formation was divided into five members, which differ in the ratio of carbonaceous, clayey, siliceous contents and carbonate component of rocks. The boundaries of the units were determined by their lithological composition, and then the velocity rectified taking into account GIS. The first two members are characterized by high contents of siliceous and clayey material, the third – a significant increase in the siliceous component, the fourth – increased concentrations of organic matter, which indicates its higher compared to the lower part section oil generation potential. In the fifth member, the content of carbonate material increases, the “coccolithic” interval is divided, and numerous fragments of bivalves are noted. Throughout the section minerals (strontianite, witherite) were discovered in the Bazhenov Formation, indicating that they occurred in diagenesis hydrothermal processes.In the section of one of the studied wells in the middle part of the Bazhenov formation, a reservoir interval was identified. High variability of reservoir properties of Bazhenov rocks was noted even within one oil-field, which is associated with their secondary transformations of rocks in dia- and catagenesis. It is substantiated, that materials of geophysical studies of wells that does not contain nuclear magnetic resonance data can only be used to identify possible productive intervals, the study of which by laboratory methods will allow establish the presence or absence of collectors in them.