Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (Jan 1999)
Efeito da germinação de soja CV. BR-13 e Paraná sobre ácido fítico, fósforo total e inibidores de tripsina Germination effect of soybean CV. BR-13 and Paraná on phitic acid, total P and trypsin inhibitors levels
Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da germinação sobre os constituintes antinutricionais da soja, ácido fítico, P total e inibidores de tripsina, que interferem na utilização de proteínas e outras substâncias. A diminuição no aproveitamento de nutrientes resulta em inibição de crescimento, hipoglicemia ou danos a tecidos animais. Para os ensaios foram utilizadas as cultivares de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill ) BR-13 e Paraná. As sementes foram incubadas em câmara de germinação a 25°C e 100% de umidade, de 0 a 72 horas, com coleta de amostras em intervalos eqüidistantes de seis horas. A cultivar Paraná apresentou teores superiores de ácido fítico, P total e inibidores de tripsina, em relação à cultivar BR-13. As análises de variância e comparações entre médias indicaram que houve aumentos significativos (p The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of germination on the antinutritional constituents of soybean, phytic acid, total P and trypsin inhibitors that interfere with the utilization of proteins and other substances. The decrease of the nutrient utilization results in growth inhibition, hypoglycemia or damage to animal tissues. Seeds of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivars BR-13 and Paraná were incubated in germination chamber at 25°C and 100% of humidity, from 0 to 72 hours, and samples were collected in intervals of six hours. The Paraná cultivar presented higher amount of phytic acid, total phosphorus and trypsin inhibitors, than the BR-13 cultivar. The analysis of variance and comparison among the means indicated that, in 72 hours of germination, there was a significant increase (p<0.05) on the amount of total phosphorus (8.5% and 3.6% for BR-13 and Paraná cultivars, respectively) and on the level of trypsin inhibitors (22.05% and 17.10% for BR-13 and Paraná cultivars, respectively) while the amount of phytic acid decreased 15.96% and 9.46% for BR-13 and Paraná cultivars, respectively.