Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2022)
New Trends in Stress Dynamics of Ukrainian Scientists’ Academic Activity
Problem Statement. The publishing activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is currently the main source base for finding and clarifying a universal pattern of the academic response in stressful situation. In particular, the conduction of international comparative studies is possible. The first Ukrainian study conducted in 2020 revealed the main trends of the Ukrainian academic society’s stress response to supercritical research workload and proved their similarity to the global models in general. However, that study faced certain limitations, which necessitated further research in this direction. The goal of this work is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for identifying and clarifying universal and regional trends of academic response in the conditions of supercritical research workload caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research methodology is based on systemic and structural approaches, on the methods of comparative, logical and structural-functional analysis. The results of the study demonstrated that local trends of academic response to supercritical research workload continue to match the global ones in general. And previously different regional trends of intra-industry distribution and publication dominance of some academic institutions start to resemble the international ones. At the same time, there is a lack of representation of Ukrainian scientists in bibliometric databases and inadequate maintenance of their own Google Scholar profiles. In addition, a partial mismatching between the Google Scholar categorization and the structure of the medical industry in Ukraine remains. It was concluded that the local trends in the academic response are generally subject to the universal pattern; the mismatch between local and global trends were partly due to: the late onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine, the specifics of the structure of the medical care system in Ukraine and the problem which some scientists experience, with determining suitable Google Scholar categories for themselves; the Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science datab ase can ( with certain limitations) serve as a source base for research on the universal pattern of the academics ociety’ stress response to super critical research workload. The proposals how to remove some of the identified limitations in the reliability of the obtained data was presented. The necessity of further research for the final clarification of the local features of the pattern of stress response to super critical research workload was stated.