Defence Science Review (Oct 2021)
Strategic framework of professional preparation of trainees in the field of security and defense, professional field of Administration and Management - Socio-demographic and educational aspects
Objectives To clarify the factors that influence the individual’s career orientation and professional fulfillment of cadets, which can be deeply personal as well as dictated and conditioned by the external environment. Methods A Survey of trainee opinion in the professional field of Administration and Management at the National Military University. Results The study focuses on the socio-demographic and educational aspects of the need for training in the professional field of Administration and Management, following the example of the Department of Security Logistics, National Military University, Bulgaria. Respondents in the survey were 164 trainees from 5 consecutive years of study in the Bachelor's degree program in the professional field of “Military Affairs”. Conclusions It is necessary to direct its efforts to recruit future trainees mainly from secondary schools, vocational high schools of economics and vocational high schools of mechanical and electrical engineering, trainees from families with low- and middle-income, trainees with strong personal motivation to practice the military profession, trainees who achieve high results in their education. The information channels for accessing better, timely and reliable information about the applying process and training at the Vasil Levski National Military University should be expanded using social networks, media and more information campaigns in schools. To a large extent, parental opinion about trainees’ choice of the military profession, also has an influence which was found to be very positive.