Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo Deržavnogo Tehnologìčnogo Unìversitetu: Ekonomìčnì Nauki (Mar 2018)
Graphical analog model development for the formation of economic security of enterprise in long-term period in order to determine the economic efficiency of costs for its economic security
The aim of the work is to build the graph of the relationship between the results and costs associated with the formation of long-term economic security in order to determine the cost-effectiveness of costs for the company's economic security. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the construction of the graphical analog model of economic cost effectiveness for the establishment of the enterprise's economic security system in the long run. Such methods were used as abstract-logical (for revealing the essence of the cost-effectiveness of the cost of creating the system of economic security of the enterprise in the long-term period), analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, monographic (in the study of existing graphic analog models), a graph-analytical method (for constructing graphical analog model of cost-effective cost of creating the system of economic security of the enterprise in the long-term period). Scientific novelty. It is proposed to determine the economic cost effectiveness of the company's economic security with the help of the graphical analog model of the relationship of results and costs associated with the formation of economic security in the long run. Conclusions. In the course of the study, the author draws the graph of the relationship between the results and costs associated with the formation of economic security in the long run to determine the economic cost effectiveness of the company's economic security. The graphical analog model of the interaction of results and costs, depending on the duration of the life cycle, enables to calculate the gross, net, actual and specified periods of return of the depreciated cost of fixed assets, as well as indicators of economic cost effectiveness for the economic security of the enterprise. The graph of the interaction of the results and costs of economic security, depending on the duration of the life cycle, was built for the first time.