Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat (Apr 2024)
Žanriõpetuse rakendamine jutustava ja arutleva teksti kirjutamisel
Tekstikeskne emakeeleõpetus kui eesti keele ja kirjanduse ainekavade keskne põhimõte pole veel piisavalt juurdunud ning vajab metoodilist tuge. Varasemate uuringute järgi sobib tekstikeskse käsitlusviisi aluseks süsteemfunktsionaalsest keeleteooriast lähtuv Sydney koolkonna žanripedagoogika, mille esimene katsetus Eestis näitas, et lähenemist tuleks emakeeleõpetuse kontekstis arendada. Siinse uuringu eesmärk on proovida žanriõpetuse toestatud meetodit “Lugedes õppima”, et parandada õpilaste tekstiteadlikkust ja kirjutamisoskust. Küsime: kuidas aitab meetod “Lugedes õppima” toetada õpilaste tekstiloomet? Viisime läbi kaks eraldiseisvat tegevusuuringut kahes Eesti koolis. Esimene grupp koosnes 6. klassi õpilastest (n = 33) ja õpiti õudusjuttu, teises grupis olid gümnaasiumi.pilased (n = 15) ning õpiti arutlevat kirjandit. Õpilastekste analüüsisime struktuurianalüüsi ja lingvistilise tekstianalüüsi meetodil. Mõlemal juhul joonistus välja žanrile omane ülesehitusmudel ja iseloomulikud keelevahendid: õpilaste kirjutatud õudusjuttudes anti mitmekülgsete lausetarinditega edasi pinget, võeti üle õudusjutule iseloomulikke poeetilisi võtteid, kirjandites kasutati arutlusele omaselt hinnangulisust ja neutraalses stiilis modaalsõnu. *** "Applying genre studies to narrative and argumentative text writing" Text-centred L1 teaching as a central principle of Estonian language syllabi is not yet sufficiently established and requires methodological support. Based on a system-functional language theory (Halliday 1985, Halliday, Matthiessen 2014) and realization model (Martin 2009), it offers a suitable framework for a text-centred approach (Aruvee 2023). Sydney school's genre pedagogy (Rose, Martin 2012) provides comprehensive strategies to implement that framework in the classroom. The first pilot study of genre pedagogy in Estonia indicated that the approach must be developed and scaffolded (Aruvee 2021). The aim of this study was to implement the “Reading to Learn” (R2L) programme in order to increase students’ text awareness and quality of text creation. We focused on two genres: essay as argumentative text and horror story as narrative text, which are at the heart of L1 teaching. The R2L programme is known for systematic and scaffolded activities which engage students and integrate reading and writing in a meaningful way (Coyle, Meyer 2021). We asked: how does the “Reading to Learn” programme support students’ text composition and lexicogrammatical choices? The study consists of two independent action research studies conducted by two teachers in two Estonian schools. The first group (n = 33) learned to write horror stories, the second group (n = 15) learned argumentative texts. The students’ texts were analysed using the method of structural analysis and linguistic text analysis, based on the specific characteristics of each genre. 6th-grade students copied the structure of the original text, although not in the same order. The analysis of the word and sentence stratum showed that most of the students used appropriate style, which is not taught explicitly. Their language use was notable, as they copied the style appropriate for horror stories: they used the vocabulary of the original text or found alternatives, and also formed complex sentences and non-finite structures and stylistic features. Essay writers mostly used a given structure for argumentation, which made rhetorical moves more cohesive. Sentence-level analysis of the essays revealed that students used neutral language, modal verbs and adverbs to stress the value of their claims. The results show that in both cases the quality of texts improved: structure and linguistic features became more visible. We thus conclude that “Reading to Learn” provided the necessary scaffolding for text-centred L1 teaching.