Nordisk Østforum (Oct 2023)

Vidnesbyrd om modstand: Antikrigsprotester i Rusland

  • Katrine Stevnhøj

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37


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Denne artikel kortlægger antikrigsprotester og protestlogikker (della Porta & Diani, 2006) i samtidens Rusland. Med empirisk udgangspunkt i journalistisk materiale og eksisterende forskning i aktivisme og protest i Rusland foreslår jeg i artiklen, at antikrigsaktivisterne kan inddeles i seks kategorier: Masseprotester; enkeltpersonsprotester; kunstneriske og kulturelle protester; kommunikationsaktivisme; sabotage; og hverdagsaktivisme. I sin konklusion foreslår artiklen, at opmærksomhed på forskellige typer protester, ud over massedemonstrationer, bidrager værdifuldt til vores forståelse af protestdynamikker i Rusland. This article provides an overview of anti-war protests and logics of contention in contemporary Russia. With a point of departure in journalistic material and drawing on existing research on protest in Russia, the article suggests that anti-war protests can be divided into six categories: mass protests; solo pickets; cultural and artistic protests; information activism; sabotage; and civil disobedience. The article argues that anti-war protests in contemporary Russia mainly follow a logic of bearing witness. In conclusion, the article suggests that paying attention to various types of protest, beyond mass demonstrations, contributes valuably to our understanding of protest dynamics in Russia.
