Aleph (Dec 2018)

الأثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية الناجمة عن السياق الديمغرافي الجديد

  • Demim Fatima

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 8
pp. 29 – 63


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« The new demographic context is essentially the inevitable and irreversible trend towards population aging ; low mortality, fertility and longevity, all of which result from the great social and economic progress of all humankind»1. Where this global structural transformation presents a major challenge for societies, which is likely to have significant implications for development, employment and social protection. « Population growth, rising youth, aging, migration and urbanization are the global trends in the new demographic context of the twenty-first century, as emphasized in the report of the United Nations System Task Team on Achieving the Future We Want for All 2012»2. The global demographic context is largely shaped by the significant increase in life expectancy and the decline in fertility so that life expectancy varies according to social and economic strata. These differences are particularly acute. Life expectancy may increase from 70 years in 2015 to 77 years in 2050.
