Ciência Animal Brasileira (Jul 2015)
Aujeszky’s disease (AD) is known for causing huge productive and economical losses in the swine industry. This study focused on describing the actions of the official animal health protection used on identification of AD outbreaks. Two outbreaks that occurred in Cerqueira César city were selected, a case presenting only seropositive animals (outbreak 1) and another one where there were animals with clinical signs of the disease (outbreak 2). The methods used to identify the outbreaks in surveillance actions and to diagnose the epidemiological situation were described. The measures implemented to eliminate the outbreaks in infected pig production systems were appointed in animal health protection laws and were able to eliminated all outbreaks identified. In conclusion, the official animal health protection measures and the appliance of the sanitary legislation were effective in eradicating AD, reassuring that notifications of suspicous cases of AD facilitate animal health surveillance activities.