Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Dec 2022)

Fault ride-through capability improvement in a DFIG-based wind turbine using modified ADRC

  • Seyed Reza Mosayyebi,
  • Seyed Hamid Shahalami,
  • Hamed Mojallali

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
pp. 1 – 37


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Abstract In this paper, an overview of several strategies for fault ride-through (FRT) capability improvement of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind turbine is presented. Uncertainties and parameter variations have adverse effects on the performance of these strategies. It is desirable to use a control method that is robust to such disturbances. Auto disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is one of the most common methods for eliminating the effects of disturbances. To improve the performance of the conventional ADRC, a modified ADRC is introduced that is more robust to disturbances and offers better responses. The non-derivability of the fal function used in the conventional ADRC degrades its efficiency, so the modified ADRC uses alternative functions that are derivable at all points, i.e., the odd trigonometric and hyperbolic functions (arcsinh, arctan, and tanh). To improve the efficiency of the proposed ADRC, fuzzy logic and fractional-order functions are used simultaneously. In fuzzy fractional-order ADRC (FFOADRC), all disturbances are evaluated using a nonlinear fractional-order extended state observer (NFESO). The performance of the suggested structure is investigated in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results show that during disturbances such as network voltage sag/swell, using the modified ADRCs leads to smaller fluctuations in stator flux amplitude and DC-link voltage, lower variations in DFIG velocity, and lower total harmonic distortion (THD) of the stator current. This demonstrates the superiority over conventional ADRC and a proportional-integral (PI) controller. Also, by changing the crowbar resistance and using the modified ADRCs, the peak values of the waveforms (torque and currents) can be controlled at the moment of fault occurrence with no significant distortion.
