Cornova (Jan 2021)

Osvícenství, obrození, vernakularizace či „kulturní obnova“? Dodatečné poznámky ke konceptu osvícenství jako „demokratizace vědění“ a ke vztahu osvícenství a obrození

  • Daniela Tinková

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 2
pp. 51 – 64


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Enlightenment, National Revival, Vernacularization or ‘Cultural Renewal’? Further Observations on the Concept of Enlightenment as the ‘Democratization of Knowledge’ and the Relationship between Enlightenment and National Revival. This study is a response to the preceding discussion on the original essay on the concept of enlightenment. It examines the relationship between enlightenment, national revival and Romanticism, issues of popular enlightenment, and the role of the Catholic clergy in the Enlightenment, with further remarks on the phases and specific features of the Czech Enlightenment.
