Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (Jan 2010)
Trombolisis acelerada en tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo con seguimiento ecocardiográfico y tomográfico. Accelerated thrombolysis in the acute pulmonary embolism with ecocardiographic and tomographic evaluation.
The pulmonary embolism is a frequent and many times fatal disease. In a study in U.Sof 42 million deaths during a 20 year period, around 600.000 patients (1,5%) were diagnosedwith pulmonary embolism. However, this study surely doesn't estimate thereal prevalence and incidence of this entity, because more than half of these cases arenot diagnosed. We report a female 46 years-old patient with personal antecedents ofHipothyroidism and Arterial Hypertension without treatment and a tendosinovitis in theright inferior member that maintained her in bed for a month, with 10 days of rehabilitationtherapy, maintaining an important functional limitation.