Ars Pharmaceutica ()

Isoflavonoids from the rhizomes of Iris hungarica and antibacterial activity of the dry rhizomes extract

  • Olga Mykhailenko,
  • Volodumur Kovalyov,
  • Sergiy Kovalyov,
  • Anastasiia Krechun

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 58, no. 1
pp. 39 – 45


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Abstract Aim: The aim of the work was isolation and identification of the phenolic compounds from the rhizomes of Iris hungarica. Materials and methods: To establish by chemical and spectral methods for the structures of phenolic compounds, which were isolated from the rhizomes of Iris hungarica Waldst. et Kit. (Iridaceae family). Compounds were obtained by column chromatography on silica gel and their structures were determined by UV, IR, MS, 1H-NMR spectra methods. Preliminary screening of antibacterial activity was determined. Results: From the ethanolic extract of the rhizomes of I. hungarica, which is widespread in Ukraine, for the first time two new for this species isoflavones, tectorigenin and tectoridin and xanthone mangiferin, together with known isoflavonoids daidzein, genistein, formononetin were isolated. The dry extract of the rhizomes of I. hungarica at a concentration of 1% has shown the highest inhibitory activity for Gram-positive bacteria and fungi.
