Marketing i Menedžment Innovacij (Jan 2025)
Heterogeneity and Emotional Perceptions of the Labelling of Accommodation Services in Tourism
The labelling of tourism accommodation services profoundly influences consumer behaviour and decision-making processes. Many consumers view labelling as a subjective assurance of the quality of services provided and are willing to pay a premium on the basis of the level of quality indicated by these labels. This paper's main goal is to highlight the critical importance, emotional perception, and potential implications of labelling tourism accommodation services within the Slovak Republic's particular context and the V4 countries. Considering this, the research employed a combination of secondary data and field research, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Data analysis utilises fundamental statistical techniques as well as more advanced methods, such as eye trajectory analysis, emotional valence analysis, and emotional arousal analysis. These methods, which fall under the domain of biometric measurement of emotions and consumer neuroscience, are essential for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the data. The findings indicate that labelling accommodation services significantly affects consumer behaviour and has an important effect on what decisions are made regarding commodities associated with tourism. Providers of tourism services across various countries are continuously searching for effective ways to label accommodation services that are not only uniform and memorable but also perceived as reliable indicators of service quality. The insights gained from this study, achieved through the application of relatively underutilised methods, significantly enhance our understanding of the importance and relevance of accommodation service labelling. They offer valuable information on the emotional responses elicited by different types of signage, identify the intrinsic appeal of various signage elements, and highlight indicators of emotional arousal. Moreover, the study underscores the importance of strategic signage placement within service environments, employing eye trajectory analysis and the creation of heatmaps to demonstrate how prominently displayed signage can influence consumer perception and engagement. This expanded understanding provides practical implications for designing more effective tourism accommodation labels and marketing strategies.