Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Jul 2023)
Roma Index and Adnex Model: which is more Superior in Predicting Epithelial Ovarian Malignancy?
Objective: To compare the accuracy of ROMA index and ADNEX model in predicting the risk of malignancy in ovarian tumour. Methods: This was a prospective analytic study. A total of 37 samples were acquired from women of all ages diagnosed with an ovarian cystic tumour in the Central General Hospital Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou. A CA-125 marker, HE4 marker, menopausal status and ultrasonography (USG) examination were obtained, and subsequently compared with the fi nal histopathological results. The data were analysed by using the SPSS statistics software. Results: Thirty-seven women participated in this study. The mean age of participants was 43 years old. The Area Under Curve (AUC) of the ADNEX was 0.979 with a sensitivity of 90.0%, specifi city of 88.2%, negative predictive value of 89.8%, and positive predictive value of 80.5%. The AUC of the ROMA model was 0.734 with the sensitivity, specifi city, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value of 65.0%, 64.7%, 64.8%, and 64.8%, respectively. Both models showed AUC values > 0.50 (p-value 0,50 (nilai p <0,05). Kesimpulan: IOTA ADNEX memiliki akurasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan model ROMA dalam memprediksi keganasan ovarium epithelial. ADNEX model memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifi sitas lebih tinggi dibandingkan model ROMA Kata kunci: ADNEX, CA-125, HE4, ROMA, Tumor Ovarium.