交大法學評論 (Sep 2020)
國民參與刑事審判模擬法庭 之觀察與評析 ──兼論定型化指令、行為準則 以及決策樹狀圖的使用 Observations and Analysis of the Lay Judge Mock Trials -A Proposal to the Application of Model Instructions, Best Behavioral Practices and Decision Trees
本文綜整作者於 2018 至 2019 年間參與全國各地方法院所舉辦之國民參與刑事審判模擬審判觀察心得,分別針對選任程序、開審陳述、證據調查、國民法官對法律的理解、論罪評議以及量刑評議等議題進行介紹。此外,也針對所觀察到之問題,提出軟性規範的重要性,這當中包括針對職業法官以及國民法官使用各種定型化「指令」與「行為準則」,以及透過「決策樹狀圖」減少職業法官及國民法官之認知負擔。本文同時建議未來定型化指令、 行為準則以及決策樹狀圖所應具備之要素供各界參考。最後,本文主張主管機關應組成一功能性委員會,有系統地將所見所聞進行整理,並且將相關問題以及解答,彙整、內化成一套全國共用之決策工具系統,供職業法官及國民法官使用。 This article describes the observations of a series of lay judge mock trials held between 2018 to 2019 in the district courts of Taiwan. It focuses on key procedures and issues including voir dire, opening statement, evidence investigation, the comprehension of law by lay judges, and deliberation (guilt and sentencing). It points out the importance of implementing tools such as “model instructions” for lay judges and “best practices guidelines” for professional judges, as well as “decision trees” to limit the cognitive loading of decision-making for both lay judges and professional judges. Finally, this article argues that these tools should be reviewed and maintained by a national committee and develop into a national standard.