Cahiers des Amériques Latines (Apr 2011)
Usines récupérées d’Argentine : des mobilisations ouvrières à dimension locale
In the face of the abandonment, or of the closing of many of the factories in the country, these last ten years, Argentina has experienced a remarkable surge of occupation and recuperation of these factories by their workers. This mobilisation tempers the announced disappearance by certain authors of the working class as the protagonist of the struggle. It also proves certain theories that, through the prism of mobilisation of Argentinean strikers (piqueteros), it can be seen that the social struggle has moved from the factory to the neighbourhood. It proves it even more, since this mobilisation distinguishes itself by its considerable local roots ; far from responding to the logic of deterritorialized classes by the unions or political parties, this mobilization responds to a specific logic of business, in which the culture and the relation to the factory owners has a crucial effect. In this article, we will see how the paternalism of one SME of Buenos Aires is at the origin of the unprecedented mobilisation of the workers.