Ученые записки Казанского университета: Серия Гуманитарные науки (Aug 2017)
The personnel policy for curators in the Kazan educational district and the age dynamics of professors at the Kazan University during 1804–1884
The dynamics of the age structure of university professors in Kazan, St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Dorpat has been analyzed from the time when the universities were established until 1884. The study is based on the prosopographical database containing records on the key events in the lives and careers of university professors compiled by the authors. New methods of data retrieval and visualization based on scripts created with the help of R programming language allow to analyze the temporal dynamics of the age structure in greatest detail. From the perspective of the temporal dynamics of the age structure, the history of universities can be subdivided into the periods of gradual simultaneous aging of a nearly stable population of professors followed by much shorter periods of rather dramatic rejuvenation. The latter are usually the (un)intended impacts of the active interventions of curators of the educational district or the Ministry of Education in the routine process of hiring and firing of university professors. The analysis has revealed a peculiar pattern of aging/rejuvenation periods at the Kazan University that differs significantly from more or less sustained dynamics of the three other universities under study. All critical rearrangements in the body of professors of the Kazan University, as well as their effects on the age structure have been discussed in detail. A number of factors contributing to the unique character of aging/rejuvenation patterns at the Kazan University (shortages of the early period of the Kazan University history, constant lack of qualified candidates for the vacant positions, and active interventions by the curators of the educational district) have been discussed.