Проблеми сучасної психології (Jul 2020)
Sensory Integration as a Method of Correction of Disorders of Children
The article reveals the relevance of the sensory development of junior and middle school age. The focus is made on the theoretical aspects of the sensory integration dysfunction; along with it, the basic principles of the recommended correctional work for students having both learning difficulties at school and the sensory integration dysfunction are determined. The aim of the article is 1) to show the specific features of the sensory system development among children of 7–12 years old and how they are connected with the learning difficulties at school; 2) to describe practical recommendations for correctional work in future. Methods. The research was conducted on the basis of the Center for Practical Neuropsychology (Odesa) among students of 7–12 age. To assess the neuropsychological factors, we used the classic set of neuropsychological tests by О. R. Luria; to assess the level of sensory development, we used a questionnaire on the violation of the sensory data reduction process in a child by K. Kranovіtz. The results of the research. Based on the answers to the questionnaire, it was revealed that 51 (62%) children have a violation of the sensory data reduction process, namely: a violation of the modulation of sensations (34%), a violation of the ability to distinguish feelings (21%), motor impairment (60%). Interestingly, according to the results of the neuropsychological tests, the majority of examinees had the kinetic, kinesthetic and optical-spatial factors of the movement organization not properly formed. Considering the results of the survey and the main directions of work of scientists and specialists in sensory integration, we determined the basic principles of the recommended remedial work for students having difficulties at school and sensory integration dysfunction at the same time. Conclusions. Systematic focused work on the schoolchildren’s sensory integration has a significant positive impact on the development of all higher mental functions, thereby improving the organization of all types of children’s activities, success in studying and behavior. The study has shown that the theory and practice of the world and Ukrainian specialists in sensory integration helps to understand, explain and draw up a further remedial program for children having both learning difficulties at school and sensory integration dysfunction. This material can be used to understand how a child can apply various sensory stimuli as a compensation in order to improve attention levels, reduce the effects of stress and increase self-control and learning productivity.