Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Aug 2007)

Caracterização dos taninos condensados das espécies maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglazovii), flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera), feijão-bravo (Capparis flexuosa, L) e jureminha (Desmanthus virgatus) Characterization of condensed tannin of the species maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii), flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera), feijão-bravo (Capparis flexuosa) and jureminha (Desmanthus virgatus)

  • S.E.S.B.S. Cruz,
  • P.M.G. Beelen,
  • D.S. Silva,
  • W.E. Pereira,
  • R. Beelen,
  • F.S. Beltrão

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 59, no. 4
pp. 1038 – 1044


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Caracterizaram-se os taninos condensados (TC) e determinaram-se a composição bromatológica e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) das espécies maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglazovii Pax & Hoffman), flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera), feijão-bravo (Capparis flexuosa, L) e jureminha (Desmanthus virgatus (L.) Willd). As concentrações em tanino solúvel, tanino ligado ao resíduo e tanino total (TT) das espécies foram determinadas pelo método butanol-HCL e a adstringência pelo método de difusão radial. Para a DIVMS, foi utilizado método de dois estágios. Foram observadas diferenças entre as espécies (PCondensed tannins (CT) of the species maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii), flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera), feijão-bravo (Capparis flexuosa) and jureminha (Desmanthus virgatus) were characterized and the chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of those species were determined. Concentration of soluble tannin (ST), bound tannin (BT) and total tannin (TT) of the plants was determined using butanol-HCL method; astringency was determined, using radial diffusion method, and the IVDMD was determined using two-stages method. Concentration and astringency of condensed tannins varied between species (P<0.01). Jureminha was the species that presented the highest value (2.4% TT and 13.7-3 astringency). No tannins were detected in flor-de-seda. Crude protein was higher than 16% in all studied species, and the ADF and lignin values were lower than 39 and 15%, respectively. The IVDMD was low in jureminha (43%) and high in flor-de-seda (80%). The correlation between IVDMD and TT was low (r²=0.097).
