IEEE Access (Jan 2019)
Movie Recommendation via Markovian Factorization of Matrix Processes
The success of the probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF) model has inspired the rapid development of collaborative filtering algorithms, among which timeSVD++ has demonstrated great performance advantage in solving the movie rating prediction problem. Allowing the model to evolve over time, timeSVD++ accounts for “concept drift” in collaborative filtering by heuristically modifying the quadratic optimization problem derived from the PMF model. As such, timeSVD++ no longer carries any probabilistic interpretation. This lack of frameworks makes the generalization of timeSVD++ to other collaborative filtering problems rather difficult. This paper presents a new model family termed Markovian factorization of matrix process (MFMP). On one hand, MFMP models, such as timeSVD++, are capable of capturing the temporal dynamics in the dataset, and on the other hand, they also have clean probabilistic formulations, allowing them to adapt to a wide spectrum of collaborative filtering problems. Two simple example models in this family are introduced for the prediction of movie ratings using time-stamped rating data. The experimental study using MovieLens dataset demonstrates that the two models, although simple and primitive, already have comparable or even better performance than timeSVD++ and a standard tensor factorization model.