Paedagogia Christiana (Oct 2011)

Bóg a stworzenie w teologii prawosławnej

  • Jeremiasz Jan Anchimiuk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 2
pp. 99 – 110


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The question of the genesis of the world and the attitude of God toward the worldis one of the main issues discussed in theology, philosophy, and natural sciencesthrough centuries. The Orthodox Church while answering the question relies onthe thoughts of Fathers and Teachers of the Church as well as liturgy displayingspiritual experience of many a generation of saint ascetics much more than otherChristian Churches. Asking the question of creation it analyses the views of Origen,Cappadocian Fathers, Saint Basil the Grea, Gregory the Theologian, St. Gregoryof Nyssa and further Fathers such as Maximus the Confessor, Symeon the NewTheologian, Gregory Palamas. The author of the paper introduces orthodox theologyconcerning the world and man vewing those realities from two perspectives: beforeand after the sin, he discusses such issues as the act of creation, human body, ascetiscs,and the responsobility for the creation. The issue of creation is divided between twothemes, of the Church and the Mother os God.