Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies (Jan 2018)

Relationship between Dimensions of International Culture and the Five-Factor Model of Personality for Kuwaitis and Non-Kuwaiti Teachers

  • Adnan M. Alanzi,
  • Bader M. Alansari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 1
pp. 76 – 95


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This study aimed to examine the relationshipbetween the dimensions of international culture and the five factors of personality in a sample of 1080 Kuwaiti and Egyptian teachers which was selected randomly from secondary schools in Kuwait, measured by Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions and five-factor model; gender and nationality were also considered. The results indicated significant positive correlations between agreeableness and power distance, conscientiousness and both individuality and masculinity. There are also significant negative correlations between agreeableness and each individuality and masculinity and uncertainty avoidance, conscientiousness and the variable of power distance, uncertainty avoidance and long-term trend. Also, the results showed that males differed from females on four out of the five cultural dimensions. However, Kuwaitis differ from Egyptians on four out of the five cultural dimensions. Except in the long-termtrend, there were no significant differences between the Kuwaitis and Egyptians.
