Rivista di Storia dell'Università di Torino (Sep 2012)
Dalla qualità alla quantità. L’eugenica nel pensiero di Roberto Michels - From Qualitative to Quantitative. Robert Michels’ Contributions in the Field of Eugenics
Though the connection between eugenics and the Left has been largely investigated, this topic has been insofar quite neglected with regard to the Italian case. This paper is focused on Robert Michels’ contributions in the field of eugenics, from 1906 to 1924. The case of Michels’ eugenics, shifting from the initial position in favour of birth control, feminism and socialism to the 1910s-1920s pronatalist and “quantitative” eugenic orientation, provides fascinating insights on the complex cultural and political origins of Italian “Latin” eugenics. Keywords: Roberto Michels, Eugenics, Birth Control, Pronatalism.