Universidad y Empresa (May 2009)
La calidad de la educación desde una perspectiva funcional.
This document shows up a detailed analysis about the problem of the quality of the education in Bogotá. We assumed that is possible to read the quality starting from the environment of the social systems and their necessities of recognitions and cuasi-equilibrium, therefore this phenomenon it is analyzed from a systemic perspective, through a deliberate directionality between the principal and the agent problem, later on one argues about the necessity of a bidirectionality in which the educational system responds to the demand of the social economic systems and these in turn offer the possibility of the expansion of the educational system in its objectives and pretenses. It is assumed that the problem of the quality of the education is possible to formulate from the biunivocal impacts of the systems, from functional relationships as: probability of expenditure of the educational system and net investment in the manufacturer production, the investment (cost of the education) versus entrance professional, and the half level of education versus the productivity of the manufacturer sector. It concludes, starting from the stylized facts and the quantitative estimations, that the education system is located in agent’s position, leaving the hypothetical possibility to assume that the busy list doesn’t correspond to the requirements of the knowledge construction that it demands the current phase of the globalization.