Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2006)

國小實施學校本位課程評鑑策略之調查研究A Survey Study of Elementary School Educators’ Opinions on the Implementation of School-Based Curriculum Evaluation Strategies

  • 丘愛鈴Ai-Ling Chiu,
  • 官孟貞Meng-Chen Kuan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 31 – 55


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本研究旨在探討國小教育人員對實施學校本位課程評鑑的意見及不同背景變項間的差異情形,包含:參與評鑑機制設計人員、實施學校本位課程評鑑的方式、實施學校內部評鑑的方式、評鑑小組成員、實施評鑑前的準備工作、評鑑結果的運用、評鑑資料的蒐集方式及實施評鑑時會遭遇到的困難等。以高雄市國民小學教育人員(校長、主任、組長、級任教師與科任教師)為研究對象,採用次數分配、百分比及卡方檢定等統計方法進行資料處理。根據研究結果與發現,提出若干建議,俾供學校、教育主管行政機關參考。 This study aims to investigate elementary school educators'opinions on implementation strategies of school-based curriculum evaluation and to explore the differences of opinions on implementation strategies of school-based curriculum evaluation by educators from different backgrounds. There are 8 implementation strategies as below: 1. Those who are more suitable for joining in designing evaluation mechanism. 2. The most suitable method of school-based curriculum evaluation. 3. The best method of internal evaluation. 4. The most proper members of an evaluation team. 5. The preparation tasks in need before evaluation. 6. The implementation of evaluation results. 7. The most acceptable method of evaluation data collection. 8. What are the difficulties while implementing evaluation? The subjects were educators (principals, directors, section chiefs, homeroom teachers, and subject teachers) from elementary schools in Kaohsiung. Data analysis was processed with the following methods: frequency distribution, percentage, mean, Chisquare Test. According to the conclusions above, the author proposes suggestions as reference for schools and educational authorities.
