Туберкулез и болезни лёгких (Mar 2018)
Objective: to evaluate the structure of clinical forms of tuberculosis and other concurrent conditions in children with urogenital disorders in order to improve the management tactics for such patients 1165 children in the age from 0 to 14 years old were enrolled into the study, Group 1 included children with urogenital disorders (n = 157), and Group 2 included children with no urogenital disorders (n = 1,008) In Group 1, urogenital infections were documented in 204% of children, pyelonephritis in 318%, dysmetabolitic nephropathy in 38%; renal cyst in 32%; glomerulonephritis in 25%; renal abnormality in 127%, vesicoureteral reflux in 57%, rickets-like diseases in 06%, vulvovaginitis in 57%, phymosis in 153%, synechia in 38%, varicocele in 13%, monorchia in 06%, ovarian cyst in 06%, and menstrual disorders in 19% Respiratory tuberculosis was less common among the children from Group 1 (701 and 892%; χ2 = 40545, p = 0000), while extrapulmonary tuberculosis prevailed (178 and 55%; χ2 = 29612, p = 0000) Except urogenital disorders, the concurrent conditions were equally frequent among the children from Groups 1 (803%) and 2 (806%) (χ2 = 0000, p = 0984) Urogenital disorders were confidently more often combined with blood circulation disorders and endocrine pathologies Thus, children with urogenital disorders more often developed extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis or combinations of pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms Urogenital disorders in children ill with tuberculosis were more often combined with blood circulation disorders and endocrine pathology.