Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tehničeskogo Universiteta. Seriâ: Fiziko-Matematičeskie Nauki (Mar 2010)
A Method of Solving Boundary Value Problem of Residual Stresses Relaxation in the Hardened Layer of Cylindrical Specimen during Vibrocreep
Presents the method of calculating the relaxation of residual stresses under vibrocreep. Based on the ideas of decomposition and aggregation of the calculation of the kinetics of relaxation of residual stresses in the surface layer is reduced to gluing solutions of two boundary value problems. In the process of solving the first boundary value problem defined by the stress-strain state of a cylindrical specimen during creep without taking into account the surface hardened layer. The second boundary value problem is investigated relaxation of residual stresses in surface hardening layer, deformable in the “hard” loading at given values of the strain tensor components, which are determined by solving the first boundary value problem. It is shown that the imposition of vibroloads landlines load significantly accelerates the process of relaxation of residual stresses. Results of model calculations are presented.