Revista Diálogo Educacional (Jan 2012)

Reforma e recontextualização das políticas: o papel dos coordenadores pedagógicos nas escolas municipais do Rio de Janeiro

  • Maria Inês Marcondes,
  • Vania Finholdt Angelo Leite,
  • Ana Cristina Prado de Oliveira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 35
pp. 187 – 209


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In Brazil, since the 1990's, educational approaches have favored the definition of national minimal contents, of the extension of learning time span and of the implementation of outer evaluations aiming at better quality, which is basically measured by the performance of the students. In the team of management professionals of primary and high schools, the pedagogical coordinator has been considered the main mediator agent between the Education Board and the teachers/professors in the school, the one who is responsible for keeping the teachers involved and committed with the fulfillment of performance goals established by external indicators. In this paper we present part of a research project which focused on the performance of two pedagogical coordinators facing these changes, in an attempt to answer two questions: 1) What were the pedagogical and political meaning and objective of the pedadogical coordinators' performance relating to the teachers of these 2 (two) schools? 2) How do the pedadogical coordinators carry out the task of providing the teachers with professional development in schools guided by external evaluations? In relation to the methodological aspect, the study was based on observation and interviews with pedadogical coordinators of public schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The study has shown us pedadogical coordinators reveal there is a recontextualization of the policies and that they are partially accepted by the teachers/professors. The teachers/professors are critical in relation to an effective improvement of the quality of teaching. In school A, the changes were accepted and seen as temporary policies. In school B, the changes are implemented as they do not jeopardize the school pedagogical project, which involves reading and writing.