Modelling in Science Education and Learning (Jul 2020)
Didactic proposal of an interactive model to explain the behavior of electric power transmission lines
The new curricular transformation carried out in the electrical engineering career, responds to the requirements at international and national level for a graduate of this career. For that reason, the main question remains under which conception and with what procedures to perform the fundamental changes to develop a communicative, independent and creative educational teaching process. This paper takes as an example the lecture of Electrical Systems I, given in the first semester of the fourth year of the Electrical Engineering degree, at the Technological University of Havana, CUJAE. The objective of this work is, from the use of a model for showing the behavior of transmission lines, to characterize the teaching-learning process as one of the components of the educational process. The analysis is carried out from a communicative dimension, so that the didactic treatment propitiate in the practice, an interrelation between professors and students and between students. This allows the students to be involved in their own learning process. The present didactic proposal considers, in the general framework of active learning, the experimental activity in the classroom as a systematic and organized working tool, where it is necessary to articulate the methodological use of the laboratory-class to improve the teaching-learning process and the construction of knowledge.