Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada (Apr 2006)
Comparative Study of Variations Cephalometrics of the Tooth-Skeleton Maxilar Profile and Soft Nasolabial Profile of Individuals of Different Ethnics
Objective: Starting from the presupposed idea that the cephalometric norms must be ethnic-specific, this research has made a comparative study between linear and angled cephalometrics dimensions of anatomical points related with the tooth-skeleton maxilar profile and nasolabial soft profile. Method: The samples compused this study were taked from teleradiographs, in lateral norm, and grouped according to the white and black ethnics of 20 individuals each. The radiographs were submitted to the Ricketts computerized cephalometric analyses, using the 2.0® Radiocef Program. The obtained numbers were submitted to statistics usage, using the parametric Anova test, considering p≤0,05. Results: The cephalometrics dimensions that express the distance point A to point subnasal, the higher lip length, the inclination of the foreteeth and the nasolabial angle are the most representative of the differences among the etnics studied. Conclusion: The obtained results allow us to conclude that there are statistically significant differences between linear and angled cephalometrics dimensions and between the white and black ethnics, indicating that the facial structure of black is larger than that of white subjects and consequently has maxilar, tooth and labial convex profile in these individuals. This study reinforces the hypothesis that the cephalometrics norms must be elaborated for each racial group individually.