Masker Medika (Nov 2019)
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan akseptor melakukan KB suntik 1 bulan adalah dukungan suami. Seperti dukungan suami dalam bentuk emosional, instrumental dan informasi. Pada dasarnya peran suami dalam Keluarga Berencana (KB) antara lain peserta KB dan mendukung pasangan menggunakan alat kontrasepsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan suami terhadap kepatuhan akseptor melakukan KB suntik 1 bulan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat survey analitik dengan rancangan survey cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh akseptor KB 1 bulan dengan besar sampel 34 akseptor yang diambil secara accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui pengisian kuisione dan kartu KB. Hasil analisa univariat di peroleh bahwa responden yang patuh sebanyak 82,4%, responden yang medapat dukungan suami dalam bentuk emosional sebanyak 85,3% responden yang medapat dukungan suami dalam bentuk insrumental sebanyak 85,3% dan responden yang medapat dukungan suami dalam bentuk informasi sebanyak 58,8%. Data yang ditemukan di uji kembali menggunakan uji Chi Square dan hasilnya adalah ρ value = 1.000 untuk dukungan suami emosional, ρ value = 0,205 untuk dukungan suami instrumental dan ρ value = 0,672 untuk dukungan suami informasi, sebagai hasil signifikan yang berarti dukungan suami tidak mempengaruhi kepatuhan akseptor melakukan KB suntik 1 bulan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dukungan suami tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan akseptor melakukan KB suntik 1 bulan One of the factors that influences the compliance of acceptors conducting monthly contraception injection is husband's support, such as husband's support in the form of emotional, instrumental and information. Basically the role of husbands in family planning (KB) includes family planning participants and couples supports in using contraception. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of husband's support for the compliance of acceptors conducting monthly contraception injection of family planning. The research design used is quantitative research that is analytical survey with a cross sectional survey design. The population of this study was all monthly contraception acceptors with a sample size of 34 acceptors taken with accidental sampling. Data collection was obtained through filling quizzes and KB cards. The results of univariate analysis showed that respondents who obeyed were 82.4%, respondents who received husband support in emotional form were 85.3%, respondents who received husband support in the instrumental form were 85.3 % and respondents who received husband support in the form of information were 58.8%. Data found in theresearch were retested using the Chi Square test and the result was ρ value = 1,000 for emotional husband support, ρ value = 0.205 for instrumental husband support and ρ value = 0.672 for information on husband's support, as a significant result which means that husband's support does not affect the compliance of acceptors doing mothly contraception injection. The conclusion of this study is that husband's support has no effect on the acceptor's compliance doing contraception injection. Therefore, it is recommended for acceptors to be obedient in doing family planning according to the schedule even without husband's support