e-Prime: Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy (Dec 2023)
An extended Kalman-Bucy filter for state of charge estimation of 2-RC network modelled Li-ion battery
Li-ion batteries have increased dramatically in the automobile industry over the past few decades. Lithium-ion batteries are viewed more favourably due to their high energy density, specific energy, etc. Optimising the performance of lithium-ion batteries requires accurate modelling and estimation of the state of charge (SOC). This article introduces an efficient second-order resistor-capacitor (2RC) network battery model and an optimised extended Kalman-Bucy filter (EKBF) as the most effective way to model a battery and estimate its state of charge (SOC). The operating parameters of a lithium-ion battery are measured with the least-squares curve fitting method. At a temperature of 20 °C, the proposed method for estimating SOC has a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.72 % and a root mean square error (RMSR) of 0.71 %. In addition, the operational characteristics of the proposed EKBF were validated by simulating its operation at temperatures ranging from 0 °C to 40 °C. Under all conditions, the proposed method maintained an average error rate of 0.40%. The output of the proposed topology was validated using OPAL-RT (OP5700) hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulator. Consequently, the proposed method is preferable for accurate and dependable SOC estimation in real-time battery management system (BMS) applications.