The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Oct 2019)


  • S. A. Hosseinpour,
  • M. R. Delavar,
  • H. Hasani Baferani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XLII-4-W18
pp. 513 – 519


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Acute coronary syndrome which could lead to a heart attack is a common and dangerous disease in many parts of the world. Telecare can accelerate the diagnosis of the disease to provide user information including his/her location in an emergency to a support unit, to reduce the treatment time. Therefore, it is essential to develop a smart telecare system that monitors the status of the user automatically in real-time. This paper has proposed and implemented a web-based smart telecare system. The architecture of this system is based on an architecture for smart care in a smart city. This system receives information from the user and uses linear regression to detect acute coronary syndrome at the initial stage of the disease. This information is descriptive and selected according to the opinion of the cardiologist. Also, in case of diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, the user's location is determined and sent to a support unit via email. The accuracy of this system is 77.5%. This accuracy is acceptable compared to the same system that predicts myocardial infarction. As the proposed system, unlike the comparator system, does not use electro cardio graphic signals (ECG), it can significantly reduce the time of diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and its complications through early diagnosis of the disease and its notification. The innovation of this research is the presentation of an intelligent decision maker system that reports the hearth attack to the decision support system via an email message.