Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2015)

ТВОРЕННЯ ОБРАЗУ УКРАЇНИ У РОМАНІ ВАСИЛЯ КОЖЕЛЯНКА «КОНОТОП» ЗАСОБАМИ ОНОМАСТИКИ / Ukraine image creation in Vasyl Kozelyanko novel «Konotop» by onomastics means

  • Максимюк Марта

Journal volume & issue
no. 4(8)
pp. 91 – 95


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Максимюк Марта. Создание образа Украины в романе В. Кожелянко «Конотоп» средствами ономастики. В статье на материале романа В. Кожелянко «Конотоп» рассмотрено использование автором средств ономастики при создании образа Украины. В романе „Конотоп” писатель создает „альтернативную историю” Украины, и собственные имена, благодаря своей полифункциональности, стают отличным материалом под пером мастера художественного слова. С помощью разной стилистической окраски онимов В.Кожелянко в каждом конкретном случае передает нужные в данной ситуации смысли и оттенки значения. Используемые автором топонимы являются яркими маркерами специфики его письма, создавая вместе с другими классами собственных имен ономастическое пространство романа. Ключевые слова: ономастика художественного произведения, постмодерный текст, Украина, В. Кожелянко, функционирование топонимов, «альтернативная история». Maksymyuk Marta. Ukraine image creation in Vasyl Kozelyanko novel “Konotop” by onomastics means. Toponyms in the work of art are inextricably linked with other classes of proper names, all they make an onomasiological space of the artwork., in which the names of geographical objects play a significant role. This category of orthonyms, according to the vast majority of researchers, are placed under the general laws of the context's artistry, is expressive, stylistically loaded and “paint” a spatial dominant of a literary text. Learning the real toponymy was established long ago. This sector of the national onomasiological studies of several generations of researchers. Toponimia of a literature text took the attention of scholars not so long ago, however, as well as onomastics of literature texts in general. In the last decade researchers pay quite more attention to toponyms and their functions in the literature text and to the onomastics phenomena of literature text. V. Kozhelyanko in the novel "Konotop" creates "an alternative history" of Ukraine and onomastics helps in this process greatly. Created by the author orthonyms differ with stylistic By authors dumb different stylistic shades. This allows the writer to use in a very particular situation the most efficient orthonym for a specific context and to transmit the variety of shades of characters' attitudes on titled in that way denotatum. Toponyms in Kozhelyanko novel represent the approach which is used by the author for creating “an alternative history”, are bright indicators of the specificity his “onomastic writing”, making with other classes of proper names onomastic space of a novel. Conducted analysis shows that the usage of toponyms depends on a context and the text's theme, in which was used a specific orthonym. The specificity of toponyms in a literature text also lies in a strengthening of a local correlation characteristic “a character – a place of an action”, in creating the reality effect (or unreality) of represented events. The important role of sorting out and creating orthonyms by V. Kozhelianko plays a belonging of his novels to postmodern literature, which can be characterized, as we know, allusion, irony, grotesque ect. Key words: onomastic of a literature text, postmodern text, Ukraine, V. Kozhelianko, functioning of toponyms, «an alternative history».
