International Journal of Sustainable Energy (Nov 2019)
Thermal performance analysis of small-sized solar parabolic trough collector using secondary reflectors
In this paper, theoretical analysis of receiver tube misalignment, the design of secondary reflector and experimental analysis of a small-sized solar parabolic trough collector (PTC) with and without secondary reflectors are represented. Experimental analysis of PTC has been done using a parabolic secondary reflector (PSR) and triangular secondary reflector (TSR) and compared with PTC without secondary reflector (WSR). The maximum outlet temperature of heat transfer fluid is observed as 49.2°C, 47.3°C and 44.2°C in the case of PSR, TSR and WSR conditions, respectively. The maximum thermal efficiency of 24.3%, 22.5% and 17.8% is observed in the case of PSR, TSR and WSR conditions, respectively. The circumferential temperature difference on the outer surface of the receiver tube is obtained more uniform in the case of PSR and TSR than WSR condition. This indicates that the use of a secondary reflector can improve the performance of a solar PTC system.