Review of Artistic Education (Mar 2019)

Art - Subject - Object in Artistic and Plastic Creativity of Pupils and Students in Artistic Education

  • Arbuz-Spatari Olimpiada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 233 – 240


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The modernization of higher education in the field of plastic arts methodology, the improvement and development of the educational methodology, as well as the professional rise of the teachers are the key issues in raising the level of creativity of the future plastic art teachers in the context of the new requirements of artistic training. The volume of creative knowledge and skills varies from one person to another; it is our permanent intention to know and understand creativity, to demonstrate the laws of artistic and plastic creativity, to create a logical theory through which personality can be developed creatively, thus contributing to the complex process of the student’s artistic activity. Art contributes to the development of the artistic creativity of pupils / students, constituting a source of knowledge of national and universal culture through the many methodological, plastic and technological varieties specific to art, which offer vast possibilities to create a creative product of artistic, aesthetic and cultural value. The development of creative writing skills initially involves a visual experience, followed by the stages specific to the creative process in the field of fine arts and is finalized by a material form of the creative product, obtained through specific means in the field of fine arts.
