Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (Sep 2019)


  • Pavel V. Skovorodnikov,
  • Maria V. Cherepanova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 330, no. 9
pp. 51 – 59


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The relevance. The use of organomineral fertilizers makes it possible to substantially increase the fertility of soil and restore its agrochemical and physical properties. Research allows you to solve some problems associated with fertilizer application in untreated form, and the resulting product in the form of spherical granules measuring of 2,0 to 5,5 mm will have a high static strength and can be easily used in agriculture in conditions of continuous application of fertilizers to the soil with the use of agrotechnics. The main aim of the research is to study the organomineral fertilizer granulation by pelletizing with preliminary subforming and determination of optimal technological parameters; to investigate the probability of formation of sparingly soluble compounds in interaction of solutions of binders with components that are part of organomineral fertilizers. Objects: organomineral fertilizer biohumus with a moisture content of 55–60 %. Methods: electronic scanning microscopy (Hitachi «S-3400N»), which allows determining the elemental composition of biohumus and evaluating the surface of fertilizer particles and the finished granular product; X-ray spectral analysis used to establish the elemental composition; the thermodynamic analysis necessary for estimation of probability of proceeding the reactions and possibility of formation of difficult-to-constructible compounds in the granular fertilizer, promoting increase in strength of granules; sieve analysis, used to determine the particle size distribution, and a method for determining the static strength of granules on an IPG-1M instrument. Results. Using the electron-scanning microscope, the surface of organic-mineral fertilizer particles – biohumus – was studied and described. The elemental composition of organomineral fertilizer is determined: C, N, P, K, O, Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, S, Ti. Optimum parameters of the technology of organomineral fertilizer granulation with preliminary molding through cells with a diameter of 4,0 mm were determined: duration of 180 s, rolling temperature of 25 °C, drying at 110 °C for 60 min, and retention value of 3 %. The type and content of the binder solution in the fertilizer mixture is determined, which makes it possible to obtain the product with the best commercial characteristics (static strength, output of product fraction of 2,0 to 5,5 mm). Based on the thermodynamic analysis, the possibility of chemical reactions between the binder solution and biohumus components was established, resulting in formation of sparingly soluble compounds (Mg3(PO4)2, Ca3(PO4)2, Fe3(PO4)2), which increase the strength of the granules. The sodium phosphate aqueous solution used as a binder allows obtaining pellets having a high static strength (51,1 N/pellet). With the help of electron-scanning microscopy, the structure of the obtained granular fertilizer was studied.
