Бюллетень Почвенного института им. В.В. Докучаева (Jan 2021)
Topographic conditions of soil drainage of Vladimir Opolie
This article demonstrates an approach to digital mapping of soil drainage in Vladimir Opolie controlled by topographic conditions. Topographic conditions of the key area are described by a digital terrain model and morphometric parameters with resolution of 30 m. The variety of soil drainage is represented by soil survey data of the RSFSR Goskomzem, which includes 170 soil observations with morphological characteristic of the degree of soil hydromorphism. Linear combination of the most significant morphometric parameters is calculated by the means of canonical discriminant analysis. This combination also interpreted as topographically induced soil drainage explains 70% of spatial variation of soil hydromorphism. Scores above 0.5 relate to gray forest soils of well drained moraine-erosional plains, gently and steep slopes of valleys. Scores below 0.5 relate to gleyic grey forest soils of shallow slopes of plains, deep valleys and depressions with poor soil drainage conditions.