Salāmat-i ijtimā̒ī (Apr 2018)

Comparing the Students with and without Hyperactive Disability in the Fine and Gross Motor Skill and Sensory Profiling

  • Neda Salehi,
  • Mahnaz Esteki

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 3
pp. 244 – 253


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Background and Objectives: Attention defiit/hyperactivity disorder in childhood is a neurodevelopmental disorder that often continues into adulthood and affects different aspects of life. Therefore, this study aims to compare the fie and gross motor skill and sensory profiing in with and without hyperactive Disability students. Material and Methods: This study was an Ex Post Facto design. The statistical population includes all elementary students city of Tehran in 2015-16. The sample of study consists of 97 students with hyperactive disability and 123 students without hyperactive disability that were selected by random cluster sampling method. To collect the data, Behavioral disorders inventory Conners (form teacher), Bruininks Oseresky Motor Profiiency Scale (large form), profie sensory Dunn inventory were used. Multivariate analysis of variance were used for data analysis. Results: The study showed that there was a signifiant difference (P<0.001) between profie sensory with an average score of sensory processing (F=25.5), sensory modulation (F=19.1), behavioral and emotional responseand (F=23.1) and fie and gross motor skills with an average score of gross motor skills (F=92.1) and fie motor skills (F=86.1) the student with and without ADHD. Conclusion: Whereas the fie and gross motor skills and sensory profie of students with ADHD compared to normal students in trouble, it is essential to focus attention to clinical interventions to increase and improve fie and gross motor skills and sensory profie of students with ADHD to enhance their social adjustment and quality of life
