Signo (Jan 2018)
Multiliteracies and teaching portuguese language in basic education:a didactic proposal for work with multimodal (hyper)genres
In contemporary times, the development and continuous use of Digital Technologies has modified many activities of human life and has triggered increasingly interactive, dynamic and plural teaching and learning processes, requiring different citizens of reading and writing skills related to multiplicity of discourses, texts, subjects and cultures. From this perspective, the present work presents a discussion about multiliteracies, analyzing how work with multimodal genres/hypergenres, through the use of digital interfaces, can contribute to the development of literacy practices in the final years of elementary education. The theoretical framework of the work reconciles the postulates of Cope e Kalantzis (2009), Kress (2000), Kress e Van Leeuwen (2006 [1996]), NLG (1996) and others on multiliteracies, multimodality and learning in virtual environments. It is argued, through an explanatory research methodology, with a method of qualitative approach, that the practices of multiliteracies intensify the development of the linguistic competences of the subjects, enhancing the learning of reading and writing.