Lexikos (Dec 2013)
Das lexikographische Beispiel in der Parömiographie. Formen und Funktionen
The Lexicographic Example in Paremiography. Forms and Functions. This paper discusses the lexicographic example within the scope of paremiography (proverb lexicography).The focus is on criteria for the identification, determination and selection of those contextual language data that can, in the functioning of the lexicographic example, systematically and appropriately support the lexicographic process in modern paremiography. The idea is pursued that during the time of corpus empirical lexicography, which mostly also yielded electronic products, its status and thus its functionality has been altered. From the traditional primarily documentary illustrative function and support of the individual competence of the lexicographer, it became the starting- and central point of the lexicographic working process. It became the empiric base for the description of linguistic phenomena and can only then be microstructurally integrated into its traditional illustrative documentary function. Interdisciplinarily and through inclusion of the phraseological and paremiographical theoretical knowledge of semantics, pragmatics and grammar of the proverbs, assertions are then developed on the quality characteristics of text passages with the help of which potential lexicographic examples within the scope of paremiography can be identified, systematically evaluated and selected. Finally the acceptability and operationability of the determined quality characteristics are discussed as well as some further research questions addressed. The considerations are based on the experiences from the development of a multilinguistic peromiographical product, that was conceptualized and developed as documentation of the actual proverbial use and also as learning and teaching material in foreign language learning contexts (SprichWort 2010). The article will therefore contribute to the development of a theory of the lexicographic example, since 1977 called for (cf. Wiegand 1977) and until now not yet realized within the scope of paremiography.