Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University (Jul 2023)
Self-care Behavior to Delay Chronic Kidney Disease among Diabetes Patients
This study adopted a qualitative research method aiming to investigate the self-care behaviors among diabetic patients to delay chronic kidney disease. This study was conducted in patients who had diabetes for more than 10 years, both with or without comorbidity for less than 5 years, and were treated in a non-communicable disease clinic in Na Si Nuan Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and were analyzed with content analysis. The results showed that all information providers practiced dietary self-care, where they cooked their meals at home and then seasoned them separately with other members of the family. They were non-smokers, most of them did not drink alcoholic beverages but some people drsnk beer during hard work days. Everyone performed exercises such as Jogging, walking, arm swinging, and non-formal exercises that work until you get tired or sweat, such as farming, walking, raising cows. They were aware of taking medication both orally and by injecting insulin. They ate or injected before cooking then took breakfast after about 30 minutes. Some people ate breakfast more than 30 minutes after taking the drug on some days.