Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: История. Международные отношения (Dec 2024)
The activities of local gendarme bodies to ensure state and public security in the Privislinsky Territory of the Russian Empire (1870–1890s)
The article examines the activities of local gendarme bodies of the Privislinsky Territory of the Russian Empire in the 1870–1890s. Listed are some police and political measures subsequently adopted by the executive authorities in ensuring state and public security on the western outskirts of the empire. It is noted that the activities of the local gendarmerie became an integral part of the measures of the tsarist government to ensure state and public security, carried out in conjunction with other law enforcement structures of the empire. Examples of the participation of the gendarme corps in the fight against Polish revolutionaries and socialists, the dedication of its personnel are given. This study deepens the general information available in domestic historiography on this issue. Based on the work carried out, it was concluded that the gendarmerie of the region played an important role, both in the suppression and in the fight against the revolutionary movement in the region.