A new perspective to an old problem – Mobilizing research into policy and practice using an arts and health case study
Christina Davies,
Melanie Pescud,
Susan Maury,
Denise Sullivan
Christina Davies
Centre for Arts, Mental Health and Wellbeing WA, School of Allied Health and School of Humanties, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia
Melanie Pescud
Centre for Arts, Mental Health and Wellbeing WA, School of Allied Health and School of Humanties, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia
Susan Maury
Policy, Strategy, and Impact Group, VicHealth, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, West Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Denise Sullivan
Chronic Disease Prevention Directorate, Public and Aboriginal Health Division, WA Department of Health, East Perth, WA, Australia