Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jan 2002)
Uticaj oksidacije aktivnog uglja sumpornom kiselinom i impregnacije bakar-sulfatom na sorpcionu sposobnost gasnog filtra za zaštitu od dejstva amonijaka / Study of the effects of activated carbon oxidation with sulphuric acid and impregnation with copper sulphate on the protection capacity of gas filters against ammonia
U radu je istraživana mogućnost poboljšanja kvaliteta aktivnog uglja (AU) za upotrebu u sredstvima za ličnu zaštitu respiratornih organa od dejstva amonijaka. Uzorci komercijalnih AU oksidovani su različitim količinama rastvora sumporne kiseline, masenih koncentracija 10% i 15%. Na uzorke AU tretirane kiselinom deponovan je zatim bakar-sulfat, metodom dvostruke impregnacije rastvorom bakar-sulfata do početne vlažnosti uzorka. Impregnisani AU ispitanje u sloju u gasnom filtru prečnika 105 mm, čije su visine imale vrednosti od 29 mm do 41 mm, a uslovi su bill: ulazna koncentracija amonijaka -3,5 mg/dm3 (zapreminska koncentracija 0,5%), protok gasne smeše vazduh-amonijak - 30 dm3/min, relativna vlažnost 70% i ambijentna temperatura. Proboj je detektovan kvalitativno, pomoću indikatorskog papirića safenolftaleinom. AU impregnisan novim postupkom obezbedio je u sloju visine 29 mm vreme proboja 108 min, a 160 min u sloju visine 41 mm. / The objective of this paper has been the study of the possibility to enhance the properties of activated carbon (AC) for using it in respiratory protective devices for ammonia removal from the air. The commercial AC samples were oxidized with different amounts of 10% and 15% sulphuric acid solutions. The acid treated AC samples were the loaded with copper sulphate with twofold impregnation by the incipient wetness method. The impregnated AC was tested in a packed bed in the gas filter with a diameter of 105 mm and a bed depth ranging from 29 mm to 41 mm under the following test conditions inlet concentration of ammonia was 3,5 mg/dm3, flow rate of 30 dm3/min at 70% relative humidity and ambient temperature. The breakthrough was detected qualitatively by the phenolphtalein indicator paper. The new impregnated AC reached the breaktrough time of 108 min for a 29 mm bed depth, and 160 min for a bed depth of 41 mm.