Navigation (Jul 2024)
Kalman Filtering with Uncertain and Asynchronous Measurement Epochs
This paper develops an asynchronous measurement processing technique for sequential filtering that effectively handles small errors in the measurement sampling epoch within a linearized framework. The derived method relaxes the assumption that sensing systems generate and communicate measurements instantaneously and suggests a linearized method for extracting information from latent measurements via a temporal measurement update that considers uncertainty in the measurement acquisition epoch. To investigate performance, numerical simulations are performed utilizing the consider/neglect extended Kalman filter framework applied to a lunar descent-to-landing scenario in which latent vision-based measurements with uncertain acquisition times are used to navigate the vehicle. Through Monte Carlo simulation and analysis, this paper shows that the presented approach can be used to maintain filter consistency for latent measurements with low measurement-time uncertainties. Furthermore, an error budget and sensitivity analysis are presented to provide insight into the impact of the measurement-time uncertainty on navigation performance.