Temas Agrarios (Jul 2017)
Nutritional composition of Silbadero stem (Geoffroea spinosa Jacq.) of the municipality of Tubara Atlantico
The Silbadero (Geoffroea spinosa Jacq) is a legume that is found throughout South American countries such as Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Colombia. Regarding this species, only taxonomic and phytochemical studies have been reported. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutrient content of the stem of the Silbadero plant. Samples of the species were taken at random through a field trip to the Tres estate, located in Tubara, Colombia. There were determined parameters of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, crude fiber, ash and moisture; also, amino acid lysine; minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium and B-complex vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid). Proteins were determined by the Kjeldahl method, fats by the Soxlet method, carbohydrates by difference, crude fiber by acid-basic, ashes by incineration, gravimetric humidity; Lysine by reverse phase chromatography ultrarapid; Minerals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and vitamins by high performance liquid chromatography. Protein content was 4.56%, fats 0.38%, carbohydrates 37.2%, crude fiber 43.5%, ash 7.6%, moisture 6%, lysine 1.4 g / 100 g, zinc 22.7 mg / 100 g, calcium 29013.7 mg / 100 g, iron 277.5 mg / 100 g, magnesium 1947.8 mg / 100 g, Thiamine 0.10 mg / 100 g, Riboflavin 0.24 mg / 100 G, Niacin 0.50 0.10 mg / 100 g, Folic Acid 0.14 mg / 100 g. It was concluded that Silbadero stem is a significant source of nutrients which can contribute to supplying food needs.