Journal of Behçet Uz Children's Hospital (Dec 2024)
Evaluation of Pediatric Deaths Due to Firearm Injuries: A Single-center Experience
Objective: Firearm injuries (FIs) hold a significant place among childhood deaths. Our study aims to raise awareness about preventable FIs by discussing deaths due to FIs in children in the light of relevant national and international studies. Method: The autopsy files of the cases under the age of 18 due to FIs occured between January 2011 and December 2021 were investigated. Sociodemographic data of the cases, location of the incident, injury site, cause of death, number of shots, shooting distance, type of the firearms used, the owner of the weapon, and the identity of the perpetrator were evaluated. Results: The study population consisted of 12 (80.0%) male, and 3 (20.0%) female pediatric cases with a mean age of 13.1±5.4 years (median age: 15.0 years). The most common cause of the death was homicide (n=6, 40.0%), and the most frequently used type of firearm was a shotgun. FIs most commonly happened at home (n=8, 53.3%), and most frequently victims died of brain hemorrhage and brain tissue damage (n=11, 31.4%). The firearms used in the incidents mostly belonged to the fathers of the deceased children (n=10, 66.6%). Conclusion: There is a need to develop multidimensional strategies, including financial support, targeting all segments of society to reduce the number of deaths due to firearms. Additionally, we believe that strict measures to control access to firearms and awareness training to prevent violence will reduce the rates of mortality due to FIs.