Концепт: философия, религия, культура (Sep 2018)
The closer to the end of the positivist NINETEENTH century., the century of modern revolutions, the more obvious was the increase in the world of evil. The philosophers had a presentiment of the revival of the Gnostic complex of this world alien to man. The isolation of different spheres of culture, although perceived and evaluated as progress, nevertheless, provoked an urgent need for unity, in the synthesis of differentiated areas – art, creativity, mythology, poetry, culture, philosophy and, of course, religion, which under the pressure of modernity appeared on the periphery of culture. But, in fact, the peripheral sphere of art Nouveau has made culture. The era of revolutions was unfavorable not only for the Church, but also for culture. Utopian consciousness, which possessed the masses, demanded the immediate destruction of traditional values. Sociology as the design of new societies has slowed down the formation of cultural reflection. It will be revived only near the end of the twentieth century, when the desacralization of the revolution will unfold and its positive and negative sides will become obvious. The reverse side of progress, the growth of evil in the world and the vulnerability of the separation of different spheres were keenly felt by Russian religious philosophers at the turn of the X1X-XX centuries.they were the first to put forward the idea of Theurgy, that is, the unity of the isolated spheres for the sake of the transformation of the world. In this unity, religion had to take a significant, if not decisive place. However, in the Russian revolution of 1917 there was an explosion of atheism. In fact, the Church went to the catacombs. But the same catacomb, in the words of E. Unknown, was the whole culture. The author of this article shows how from the era of the thaw gradually begins to get rid of the destructive complex and unfolds the restoration of the former ties between culture, philosophy, art and religion.